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LIMBO FEST - Playing into the state of the unknown

Casual Collision, GRRL HAUS CINEMA, Pigeon Ambassadors

See Facebook event

LIMBO FEST is a curation of inter/trans-disciplinary artists showcasing their work as our year comes to an end. Artists were invited to let their work live fully in the space for an evening, each night being a different focus of work. Friday evening filled with performances from international artists with pieces of 30-45 minutes, Saturday evening presenting short-comedic acts of drag, clown, and  experimental music acts, and lastly Sunday evening, a pop-up shop for designers and makers  following a showing of visual artists.

Organisers will be hosting this weekend festival at two venues - but don’t worry, they are right next to each other!

Friday, 02.12.2022 at ilali Studio, doors open at 19hr; Performances begin at 19.30.

Saturday, 03.12.2022 at Frollein Langner Bar, doors open at 17hr; Performances begin at 17.30.

Sunday, 04.12.2022 at ilali Studio, Designers/makers sell their work starting at 16hr; at Frollein Langner Bar, Film Screening from 19.30 - 23.00

Tickets at the door will be 7 euros, CASH ONLY.

We will also have catering from COCO JAMBO and KOCHU KARU - if you buy your ticket online, you can have a discounted meal from one of these caters for the evening!

Come and limbo the year out with us. :-)

Duration :

Friday, December 2, 2022


December 4, 2022

Opening hours :

7pm - 11pm

Exhbition opening :

Friday, 2nd of December, 2022 at 7pm

Venue :

ilali Studio, Okerstraße 40, 12049 Berlin & Frollein Langner,