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Juan C Camillo

See Facebook event

If you could choose a color for each bond that unites you with someone else, which color would that be? What texture would it have? How heavy would it be?
Juan Camilo Alfonso will guide participants through TISSUES, where they will explore the materiality of these bonds, giving them a physical dimension and order through play- using the body as a pillar to connect those bonds creating a field full of them. The action will make evident how these connections build the structures and determine the range of movement of a group on a personal and societal level.
Can we learn how to function as a whole interconnected social-being through art?
Juan Camilo Alfonso is a colombian born artist, focusing on Public Art and participatory projects. He recently finished his master studies “Art in Context” at the University of the Arts Berlin – UDK, and now works as an art teacher in Berlin and Bernau.
Feel free to join us the Saturday 17th of October from 2.00 to 5.00 pm at B.L.O Ateliers, Kaskelstraße 55, 10317 Berlin.
For more information: fonso008@gmail.com
Participation is free. Due to current situation there is a limited amount of participants allowed, please register under blo-huj@riseup.net

Duration :

Saturday, October 17, 2020


October 17, 2020

Opening hours :


Exhbition opening :

Saturday, 17th of October, 2-5pm

Venue :

BLO ateliers, kaskelstr. 55, Berlin